Ambient Senior Christians

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Sou divorciada, com filhos casados, não tenho pets, sou de espírito livre, adoro a natureza, dançar, viajar, cozinhar, sou adepta as práticas alternativas saudáveis. Acredito em encontrar, uma pessoa interessante de afinidades, para que possamos...

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I am Blessed and content. Would like to know someone that feels the same and likes to share thoughts and ideas. Spend positive time together.

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I am a woman of God looking for a Godly man.i love to have fun ,I have a great sence of humor and love to pray .I am looking for a man who is very serious about the Lord and serves with all his heart Are you the one our God the Father and Lord...

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Free spirited woman who tells it like it is with no.harm intended

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I am positive, calm (most of the time!) kind, easy to talk to woman who lives in an apt in Apple Valley, MN, retired, Christian and it is important, 2 kiddos and 3 amazing grandsons. People are what makes my life full. Looking to get to know a...

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I surround myself with positivity because it takes too much energy to let in negativity. I am well educated and am now retired. I am looking for honesty, loyalty and someone to share all that life has to offer. I enjoy traveling, cooking, spending...

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I hate this part. Likes: honesty, loyalty, romantic, strong .. Dislikes: Lies, laziness, Loves: art, music, movies, nature, animals, camping, Houston Texan win or lose,

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Özvegy, 4 felnőtt gyermekem van akik már külön élnek. Fontos a hit és tisztelet .Tartós kapcsolat érdekel , szeretnék még szeretni és szeretve lenni. Vidám típus vagyok és fontos a humor is. Személyes találkozáshoz ragaszkodom. A többit az Úrra...

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Szeretem a mostani életemet is: a családomat, a munkámat, a barátaimat. Ehhez keresek egy olyan férfit, aki lelki-testi társam lenne, hogy örömöt szerezhessünk egymásnak. Csak azzal, hogy egymásnak vagyunk, bizalomban, békességben, szeretetben...

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